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At SkinLab Winter Park, we have many different laser and skin rejuvenation treatment options for patients including radiofrequency + microneedling, laser facials, laser Genesis, laser hair removal, and laser C02 resurfacing in our Winter Park Medical Spa which are safe for all skin types. Excel HR combines the high-powered 755 nm Alexandrite laser and Cutera’s proven long-pulse 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser for the best performance and long-lasting results. Our laser uses the superiority of sapphire contact cooling for maximum comfort. The Excel HR redefines modern laser hair removal for permanent hair reduction. We provide non-invasive laser facials for all skin types with many different applications, including:

  • Laser Pigment Rejuvenation: Targets pigment removal and can be combined with laser genesis to further improve epidermal pigment for ultimate skin rejuvenation.
  • Laser Genesis: Lifts epidermal pigment and blends out superficial redness, using bulk heating to stimulate collagen and improve fine lines and uneven texture.
  • Laser Vein Treatment: Safely eliminates the appearance of unsightly veins on the face and legs, using photo-coagulation to target vascular lesions.
Skin Rejuvenation Treatments


At SkinLab Winter Park, we are experts at skin rejuvenation. Our Secret RF + Microneedling utilizes fractional radio frequency (RF) combined with high- powered microneedling for tissue coagulation and hemostasis designed to stimulate and remodel collagen from the inside out. Secret RF delivers precise, controlled energy at various depths to target the most common skin concerns on the face and body with little to no downtime. SecretRF addresses scars, sun damage, stretch marks, large pores, general signs of aging, skin quality, texture, and appearance. Schedule a complimentary consultation with our skin experts at our Winter Park medical spa to learn if Secret RF + Microneedling is right for you.


At SkinLab Winter Park, we are proud to offer the gold standard in advanced skin rejuvenation: Laser C02 resurfacing in our Winter Park medical spa. CO2 laser skin resurfacing is an effective treatment to improve fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, pore size, skin tone, and skin texture in as little as one treatment. giving you the youthful-looking.

With our cutting-edge laser system,  we can help you achieve dramatic results without the lengthy downtime associated with an invasive facelift or other facial surgery procedure. C02 laser resurfacing takes less than 30 minutes and provides remarkable results.


Our Winter Park Medical Spa is pleased to offer CO2 laser treatment is an to promote the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues. CO2 laser treatment triggers the body’s natural healing process and increase both collagen and elastin production which are essential proteins that enhance tissue firmness and elasticity.  Laser Vaginal rejuvenation can address incontinence, vaginal dryness, and discomfort during intercourse.  This treatment is performed over a series of three sessions and requires a comprehensive consultation prior to treatment.

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Winter Park Skin Experts