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EVERY MONTH you choose:

Any Facial

SkinLuxe, Hydrafacial, or Diamond Glow (up to $250 value)

OR, Bank it as credit

toward any products or services (credit never expires)

PLUS, get discounts on everything!

(i.e. $11/unit Botox®, 10% off SkinCeuticals products, 15% off all other services)


All for $195/mo. — Join Now


Details: With your participation in Beauty Bank, you have access to our most effective treatments at preferred rates. Your monthly balance will be applied to any specialty Beauty Bank priced service you receive monthly or you can roll over a balance to be used at a later date. Your credit card will be charged on the 15th of each month for the term of the contract. There is a twelve-month minimum commitment. You may cancel at any time after 30 days.